kin selection

美 [kɪn sɪˈlekʃn]英 [kɪn sɪˈlekʃn]
  • 网络亲缘选择;亲族选择;亲属选择;血缘选择;近亲选择
kin selectionkin selection
  1. The Economic Analysis of Kin Selection Theory


  2. The Economics of Morality & Kin Selection and the Theory of Generalized Utility


  3. One answer is kin selection .


  4. Family-Owned SME Financing and Its Cultural bases : An Evolutionary Analysis Based on Kin Selection


  5. One is known technically as kin selection , and familiarly as nepotism .


  6. We also show that a solution to the problem of exploitation is kin selection , if interacting bacterial cells tend to be close relatives .


  7. In this paper , we calculate numbers of drones mating queen by RAPD analysis and use theory of kin selection and sex ratio , to study the conflict of sex ratio in colony .


  8. The formal definition of altruism is given from the perspective of game theory , the mechanism of kin selection , reciprocity and group selection , as well as the role they played in the development of altruism .


  9. According to kin selection theory and sex ratio theory , its predicted that the workers would pay more investments for female honeybee , such a conflict between the workers and the queen in manipulating the honeybee sex ratio were exist .
